Save The Date! October 16th Events

Save The Date! October 16th Events

Save the Date! October 16th, 2021, at 9:30am, you will have the opportunity to receive some valuable information regarding how to expand your online presence with me and my Marketing Manager. Running a business presents myriad challenges, and you must be able to pivot and adjust accordingly. Marketing is a vital key to success in any business, and this seminar will cover a few topics to help you along the way. Read below for a sneak peak of 4 ways you can audit your Instagram page. This is just a preview to what we'll be discussing on Saturday, October 16th.

“Time is Money” is something that we hear often, and in most cases, it proves to be true. It can be easy to get caught up in numerous marketing trends and hoping for the best. Good online marketing practices require a calculated approach to make sure that you make the most on your investment of time and money.

In business, there always something to learn, and the wealth of knowledge in the seminar is not to be missed!

Click here to register for our Marketing Talk. I can't WAIT to see you on Saturday, October 16th.

"When it comes to content that converts -- your 'likes' don't matter. It's the next action they take after they see your post that drives decisions."
- Alisha, Donata Skinfood's Marketing Manager

Questions to consider when self-auditing your Instagram social media page:

(1) Can a new follower easily find your best seller? Look through your Instagram page right now and see, can a first time customer easily assess your best seller? It is obvious to them what the most common first purchase is from your store? Make this clear to reduce their decision making needs.

(2) Can a new follower easily find your story? Look through your Instagram page and see, can a potential first time customer find your journey to your brand? If you are having trouble crafting this, consider three things:

  1. What were you doing before your brand?
  2. What was your biggest challenge starting your brand?
  3. What is your goal for your customer? What are you hoping this helps solve for them?
  4. What mark do you want to leave on your business, your community, and/or your family?

(3) Can a new follower find their problem in your feed? Consider someone who struggles with eczema. With a few scrolls, or within your highlight, are you addressing their problem obviously and clearly?

(4) Can a new follower find community in your brand? Consider your IG page like a friend. If your friend was asking you to do something for them all the time, would you stay friends with them? Probably not. If your posts are filled with asks for purchasing or commenting, you won't build a 'sticky' audience. Aim to evoke an emotion, inspire, share what you've learned.




About the Author

A. Carling is a passionate Health and Wellness Advocate as well as a Certified Fitness Professional.



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Donata’s content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any question you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on Donata’s website.

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