W H Y   D O N A T A   S K I N F O O D 
What goes on your skin goes into your body. On a daily basis we are using products that are full of harmful artificial ingredients that affect more than just our skin, it affects our body. Donata's products are made to not only nourish your skin but also to transform your mind. The essential oils used in each product is carefully selected to either rejuvenate the mind or give you complete relaxation.
Nourish your skin and mind with natural, vegan skin loving ingredients.

D O N A T A ' S   G R O W T H 
Founded in November 2013, Donata has experienced growth beyond her imagination. What started as cooking skincare products in Donata’s kitchen and  selling products to friends and family at Donata’s home turned into immeasurable growth. We thank you for that. Our customers reviews of our products speak better than we can. 

H O W   Y O U R   S K I N F O O D   I S   M A D E
(1) Products are natural and vegan. We outsource from Haiti.
Being of Haitian descent and mother having an organization in Haiti, Donata always felt compelled to go back and connect with her roots. We have several of our ingredients that come from Haiti made by women that have been displaced after the earthquake and this is their only source of income. One group is in Okay and the other group in Port-au-Prince. It’s been our dream to have some connection with Haiti and for her this is no better way than to know by purchasing Organic ingredients she can help women feed their family. You in turn are doing the same thing by your purchase. We thank you in advance.
(2) All products are made in house, daily.
You only want to eat fresh food so you should only want to apply fresh products on your body. Follow us on Instagram to see how we make your Skin and Facefood.
(3) We help you pick your products!
Book a consultation, follow us on Instagram, Read our E-book. We want you to make an educated decision before you purchase.
(4) Products are shipped directly to your door. 
M E E T   D O N A T A
Whether it’s rejuvenating the skin or renewing the mind, Donata is about pouring into the lives of others. Selling her amazing products is a blessing but what drives her most is empowering the individuals that she gets to talk to everyday. Feeding your mind during her hands on services while feeding your skin with her products. She understands that her purpose in life is to empower others through her gift of making products and providing services. She exudes her uplifting, positive and loving energy into all that she does
A D H D F D N   P R O C E E D S
Adding Doses of HOPE Daily is a non-profit organization created by Donata in 2012 to help bridge the gap between mental health and healthy relationships. A portion of the proceeds from your purchase helps to fund our teen and adult programs. More on ADHDFDN at www.adhdfdn.org

H U M B L E   B E G I N N I N G S 
Sometimes what we think is a bad situation always turns out to be for our good.

I always felt I had a BIG purpose in life. Did I know what it was? No. In 2013, I was fired from the bank – long story but a good one ☺ I prayed asking what my next move should be. I was a single mom with 3 kids and totally relying on faith. I have always heard the answer, wait and don’t get a 9-5. I waited for 10 months while building my non-profit organization. It was tough, but I waited.

A friend sent me a picture of a candle he was burning and thoughts started running through my head. Maybe I could make candles on the side until I know what my next move would be. So being the impulsive person that I am, I purchased 50lbs of wax and all things to make candles. While searching the recipes for essential oil use in candles, I fell upon the recipe of a lotion bar. Once again my impulsive self pulled all ingredients I already had at home and made the lotion bar.

My kids, family and friends started raving about the bar being absolutely amazing. I thought well how can I give them something natural to moisturize their skin and not something natural to cleanse their skin. BOOM and the wheels started to spin. I spent months researching and testing soaps within my family. Everything I made was always a hit. I went on to get my licensee as an Esthetician and even became an Esthetics instructor.

Thinking back now I remember in my younger years praying for God to touch my hands. Looking back now that was a weird prayer to say often but I always sang this line from a song in my old church “touch these hands, make them thine and use me”. Now, many years later, it makes sense when people say I have healing hands or your products are helping with my skin issues or just plain YOU HAVE AMAZING SKIN CARE PRODUCTS.

Did I dream of having a skincare line, NO. Did I even look, think or care for skin? NO, NO, NO! In waiting for my life’s purpose, Donata Skinfood was birthed.

Jump on this skinfood journey with me as we grow and transform our skin, body and mind together. More on my story and how I got started on Youtube.