Walk by FAITH

Walk by FAITH

The phrase walk by faith is super cute until you try to live by it.

So it hit me a few months ago that I lost faith for 2 years. LMAO imagine living life for 2 years not realizing you haven't activated your faith because it failed 2 years prior.

Yup you read that right! I was using faith for something I didn't even ask God guidance on or seek his direction for. I took charge and tried to handle everything myself then had the nerve to have faith in the process 🤣. That was an EPIC fail and costed me $15k 😭.

So imagine me losing faith when it wasn't a God thing, it was a me thing.

Anyways, so during one of our fast, Tiphani talked about losing your faith and the need to restore it. I was like hold up, when was the last time I had faith 👀 2021 😩. So I asked God for forgiveness and to help me to restore my faith. By doing that I became confident in having faith again. I realized now...

1) you have to have faith combined with being obedient. I can't just go outside of God's will and expect my faith to make it happen. At this time in 2021 I was trying to buy my dream home. Clearly that was not God's will but mine. It took me a while to understand that but I got it now.

2) you can't just go around having faith with no leadership. Meaning not allowing God to guide you. You just want something then have faith you're gonna receive it. That's called a Genie not God lol. Is it God's will for your life?

My prayers now are: God what is YOUR will for my life? Guide me in that direction and I will follow it (order my steps). At the end of the day his will for me will surpass anything I can ever imagine for myself.

How I activate my faith now... he will drop something in my spirit to do. I may not have the means or the resources to do it but I don't let that stop me. I start taking the steps to that end goal. I find that each step I take he provides the resources or just the right person I need to complete the task. That's how faith works. You won't see the full picture just take the first step and let God handle the rest.

I promise you. It will blow your mind. I can't wait to share these last 10 months with you once God puts all the pieces together.

BTW this is why when you ask me are you staying in Miami, what are the plans? My response is I'm waiting on God, once he finalizes those next steps for me I will share it with you. My instructions were pack up and let my tribe know to stock up.

Stock up {First Name}. so there is ABSOLUTELY no down time in your skincare regimen. I've been telling my Oasis customers to stock up till January. I don't think it will take that long to start making products again but you never know. I rather you be safe than sorry.

Last day to order is November 20, 2023

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